Thursday, September 2, 2010

The CSU 2010 Camp Video

Another great Colorado State camp! Many thanks to my wife, Becca, for putting this one together.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Counselor 400m Challenge-2010

This year's edition of the Counselor 400m Challenge! It's a battle of heavyweights with David Adams and Aaron Yoder squaring off on the Colorado State track the Sunday morning before camp.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jim Ryun Running Camps 2010

What a great summer of camps! I am thrilled that we maxed out both Gettysburg and Colorado State. In spite of the hard work that went into putting the camps on, I am sad that they are over. I think what I enjoy most is all the great campers I get to meet because each life is unique.
We had some fantastic speakers this year at both camps. I shared highlights with the CSU campers yesterday and tried to compres each speaker into key phrases.

Jim Ryun: Journey versus Destination.
Dr. Jack Daniels: What is the purpose of this workout?
Joe Falcon: Focus, Be a Warrior.
Charlie Gruber: Do the small things, 1% things that make a difference.
Jay Johnson: Simple ain't easy (great post for the camp by Jay here).
Bill Lundberg: Goals, both short term and long term.
Dr. Chris Melby: Nutrition is fundamental!

Already fired up for next year!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Colorado State Camp Dates

The Colorado State camp will be August 1-6, 2010. I already have one of the greatest American milers, Joe Falcon, slated to come back and join us after a hiatus last year. I am hoping to add Dr. Jack Daniels and Coach Jay Johnson to that list as well.